Monday, March 2, 2009

Humor in Literature! :)

Sid Fleishchman, as part of his literary style, uses humor to make his reader laugh (or at least smile).  

Can you find examples of humor in By the Great Horn Spoon? Write the chapter and page number and copy the sentence or sentences.

C'mon...let's make people smile...

I'll post the first comment!


  1. Chapter 4 - p. 41 - "The porker had his two front hoofs on Dr. Buckbee's bunk and had leaned his head closer to see what all the snoring was about. The horse doctor awoke. He found himself staring into a strange, grunting face." :)

  2. Laungage of the disiplend: Porker, Ship, Horse Doctor, Snoring. Jack Knew that Good Luck The pig was going to be a Sunday dinner. Jack doesnt want him to be cooked so he hides him but he got stuck in the porthole. Then he vanished through the porthole. As well did Cut Eye Higgens! Jack is a really caring, loveable, and helpful boy. So he wanted to portect the Harmless pig. Why Should they kill him anyways? Did the pig do something? They Shouldnt kill him because He is a living thing. What if the same thing might happen to them. That was my blog 4 chapter 4!

  3. Language of the discipline:gold,Theif,pig,stoways,potatoes,CA
    (California),tools(for gold)

  4. And the time is I wrote this at 8:03 .

    B U T . . . .

    W H Y D O E S T H A T S A I D : 9 : 03 ?


Please only write your first name when posting.